CFP: 2024 AAPT Workshop-Conference
Update: the deadline to submit a proposal for the 2024 Workshop-Conference has been extended to February 12.
The AAPT is a collegial community of engaged teacher-scholars, dedicated to sharing ideas, experiences, and advice about teaching philosophy, and to the support and encouragement of both new and experienced philosophy teachers. We are inviting proposals for sessions at the 2024 Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy.
Interactive sessions related to teaching and learning philosophy at any educational level are welcome. We encourage creative approaches to individual or panel workshops on:
- Innovative and successful teaching strategies, course/assignment design.
- How work in other disciplines can improve the teaching of philosophy.
- Innovative uses of instructional technologies.
- Teaching in non-traditional settings.
- Methods to improve student learning.
- Professional issues connected to teaching.
- Diversity and inclusion in our classrooms and discipline.
This year’s highlighted topic is: Philosophy Amplified
We highly encourage individual or panel presentations on expanding our work to deepen the impact, extend the reach, and demonstrate the value of philosophy…
- Into new pedagogies: open source, ChatGPT, new genres and styles of text, new voices, alternative assessments, and new ways of organizing classroom activities.
- Into new academic spaces: building our majors and making interdisciplinary connections.
- Into new communities: mentoring, experiential learning, public philosophy, K–12 philosophy, and philosophy in prisons.
- Into the workplace: career competencies, transferable skills, and unexpected careers.
- Into the unfamiliar!
Proposals should include:
- Session title.
- Length of the proposed session: 30 minute session, 60-minute session, 90-minute session.
- 100-200 word abstract suitable for the conference program.
- 1-3 page description of session goals and interactive design, planned handouts, etc.
- A list of relevant sources.
To facilitate anonymous review, no identifying information should appear in the proposal. Please include contact information for each presenter, including institutional affiliations, in the email or on a separate cover sheet.
Send submissions, via email, to Andrew Mills, andrewpmills@gmail.com, by Monday, January 8, 2024.
Model proposals from past years
Poster design by AAPT member Emily Guyton Lange.