Teaching Resource Repository

[Auxiliary Teaching Materials] JGM’s guides to writing papers and team projects

On: Aug 15, 2012 @ 5:38 PM Post Title: JGM’s guides to writing papers and team projects Post Author: Kevin Hermberg Description: Here is a link to a guide to writing papers and team projects by Jack Green Musselman (St. [ … more]

15. August 2012 by AAPT
Categories: Auxiliary Teaching Materials, Teaching Resource Repository | Comments Off on [Auxiliary Teaching Materials] JGM’s guides to writing papers and team projects

Resources From The 18th International Workshop Conference

Mouse over each link to see the format of the file (ppt, doc, etc). Please send corrections or further materials to cwoods at vwc dot edu Materials are distributed here under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. This [ … more]

06. August 2012 by cwoods
Categories: Conference Materials, Teaching Resource Repository | Comments Off on Resources From The 18th International Workshop Conference

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