New Deadline for AAPT Board Nominations is Sept. 25


There is still time to nominate yourself or someone else to serve.

The AAPT is soliciting nominations for the offices of Member-at-Large of the Board of Directors and Vice President.

New nomination deadline: September 25, 2020.

Self-nominations are welcome. Current Members-at-Large are eligible to serve again, if nominated and elected.

The vice presidential position is a six year commitment. After a two year term as Vice President, the official will automatically become president for another two year term. Following that they will serve two years on the Board of Directors as Past President.

At-Large members of the Board serve a two year term. The Board meets in person once a year, either at the AAPT Workshop-Conference or at an APA division meeting, although this year in person meetings were cancelled due to Covid-19. All other meetings are conducted by conference call.

call for nominations image


Nominations will be accepted until Friday, September 25, 2020.

If you wish to nominate someone or simply want more information about the positions, please contact Kristin Seemuth-Whaley:

16. September 2020 by AAPT
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