New Board of Directors, 2021


With the new year comes changes to the
AAPT Board of Directors.

Here are the changes:

As we welcome Emily Esch to her new position as President, we extend our appreciation to Jenifer Wilson Mulnix for her years of service in various capacities, especially her most recent work as President. Jennifer will continue to serve on the Board as the Immediate Past President. Russell Marcus returns to the Board as he begins his term as Vice President.

We have three new and two returning At-Large members of the Board. Karl Aho, Monica Janzen, and Jack Musselman are our newly elected Board members, while Sarah Donovan and Renée Smith have been re-elected to the Board as At-Large members.

Each of these elected positions on the Board of Directors has a two year term, from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022.

It is with our thanks and deep appreciation that we note that Andrew Mills, Jane Drexler, and Rebecca Scott are leaving the Board because their terms have ended. Each of these people has served the AAPT more than one term in more than one capacity; without their work and dedication, these past years could not have been as successful and productive as they were.


With those changes, the new AAPT Board of Directors is as follows.

Karl Aho, Board Member at Large

Alexandra Bradner, Executive Director

Sarah Donovan, Board Member at Large

Emily Esch, President

Kevin Hermberg, Communications Director

Monica Janzen, Board Member at Large

Rory Kraft, Treasurer

Russell Marcus, Vice President

Jennifer Wilson Mulnix, Past President

Jack Musselman, Board Member at Large

Renée Smith, Board Member at Large

01. January 2021 by AAPT
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