Get Involved with the AAPT
Collaborate with us
- Participate in our free online Talking/Teaching discussion series
- Submit a paper to our journal, AAPT Studies in Pedagogy
- Apply for an AAPT Grant for Innovation in Teaching
- Volunteer to serve on on an AAPT committee
Conference with us
- Join us at a Teaching Hub–at each APA Division meeting, and with other partner organizations
- Attend our workshop-conference (Summers in even-numbered years)
Celebrate with us
- Nominate someone for the Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching (which we cosponsor with the APA)
- Nominate a recent paper on teaching philosophy for the Lenssen Prize
- Let us know if you’ve received a major award for teaching philosophy so that we can celebrate your achievement
Connect with us
- Join our free email listserv to send/receive teaching-relevant content (typically a few emails/month)
- Become a member for online access to a variety of teaching-focused philosophy journals, discounts on conference fees, and to support high-quality teaching in philosophy. An annual membership is $25-90, with tiers based on income.