Call for Applications: AAPT Facilitator Training Seminar 2024

Location: Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio
Date: July 24–28, 2024
Lead Facilitator: Stephen Bloch-Schulman (Elon University, Elon, NC)
Application Deadline: May 24, 2024
The primary purpose of the Facilitator Training Seminar is to prepare experienced teachers to facilitate AAPT workshops and seminars. Participants will engage with faculty development theory, learn about the structure and logistics of AAPT workshops and seminars, reflect on their own development as a pedagogue, practice workshop facilitation techniques, and peer review workshop design.
This seminar assumes participants are experienced and scholarly teachers and have some history of service/leadership in teaching and learning activities (e.g., leading workshops, presenting at conferences, facilitating reading groups).
Note: Participation in the Facilitator Training Seminar is required to facilitate workshops; decisions about who facilitates any specific AAPT workshop is determined by the AAPT Committee on Teaching and Learning after a call for facilitators is sent to everyone who has been through the AAPT Facilitator Training Seminar.
Participants are required to attend all sessions, which will be held in the mornings of July 24–28, 2024.
Preparation for the seminar is required and will include background reading and drafting a lesson-plan that would be appropriate to facilitate a workshop session. Participants will develop those plans and facilitate mini-sessions during the Seminar.
Only AAPT members may participate, and the seminar is free to all AAPT members. To join the AAPT go to:
To apply please send the following three items to Stephen Bloch-Schulman (
(1) Provide the following information
Major Fields of Interest:
Confirm availability for all four days of the seminar:
(2) A statement of interest or description of what you hope to gain from the seminar. Where are you in your development as a teacher? As a leader in teaching & learning? What is your professional context? Diversity of participants is valued. (500-word limit)
(3) A statement of qualifications. (500-word limit, teaching/teaching and learning-centered CV welcomed)
Contact Information
• For additional regarding the seminar (content, application status, etc.), please Stephen Bloch-Schulman (