Call for Applicants: AAPT Grant for Innovations in Teaching

American Association of Philosophy Teachers Grant for Innovations in Teaching
Application Deadline August 31, 2024
The American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) offers competitive small grants ranging from $250-$1000 to support projects involving innovations in teaching philosophy. Preference will be given to those projects that have a broad appeal. Multiple grants will be awarded, contingent on available funding. Grant applications should specify the aim of the project, its learning goals, criteria of success, and proposed timeline. Projects should be implemented and assessed during the calendar year 2025. Grant recipients are required to submit a final project report, including any relevant qualitative or quantitative data, for posting on the AAPT website.
Eligibility: Open to any instructor teaching at the college-level: full-time, part-time, adjuncts, and grad students are all welcome. Recipients must be current AAPT members. For further information about the American Association of Philosophy Teachers, please visit our website. You may join the AAPT here. For further information about the AAPT Grant, please visit our grants page.
Applications: To request an AAPT Grant for Innovations in Teaching, send:
1. A project description, prepared for anonymous review, 500-1000 words, including the following elements:
- Overall description;
- Learning goals and methods for meeting them;
- Relevant or related previous work and any results;
- Timeline for project;
- Criteria for success;
- How the project will be assessed;
- Plans to share results (e.g., to present work at the AAPT or other regional or local venues); and
- Budget: Specific amount requested with an estimated list of expenses. Please include whether one is getting any funding from other sources. Please note that grants cannot include salary or stipend for the recipient.
Please note that AAPT grants cannot include salary or stipend for the recipient.
2. A current curriculum vitae, including contact information for one reference.
Send your completed application materials as pdf attachments with ‘AAPT Grant’ in the subject line to: Applications must be received by August 31, 2024.
The AAPT Awards Committee will review applications. Recipients will be notified by October 14, 2024. The final report is due six weeks after the completion of the project and no later than February 1, 2026.