AAPT Updates

TP on Teacher Training

  New Article and Commentaries on the Training of Teachers of Philosophy Teaching Philosophy has made available to subscribers in its “online first” format a group of articles on the training of teachers of philosophy. Core article: David W. Concepción; [ … more]

09. March 2016 by AAPT
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REMINDER: 2016 CFP deadline

  Reminder: CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: February 15, 2016 AAPT’s  twenty-first workshop/conference on teaching philosophy will be held at Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, Michigan, July 27–31, 2016. The deadline for proposals for interactive workshops related to teaching and learning philosophy at any [ … more]

05. February 2016 by AAPT
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CFA: Workshop on Teaching and Learning, April 2016

  Workshop on Teaching and Learning in Philosophy with an Emphasis on Inclusive Pedagogy   Call for Applications The American Association of Philosophy Teachers is conducting a workshop on Teaching and Learning in Philosophy and invites applications to participate. Participants [ … more]

27. January 2016 by AAPT
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CFA: AAPT-PLATO Seminar on Teaching and Learning

  APPLY to the PLATO/AAPT 2016 Summer Seminar PLATO and the AAPT are offering a seminar on teaching and learning in Philosophy for High School teachers in conjunction with the 2016 AAPT conference/workshop on teaching philosophy. The seminar will take [ … more]

17. January 2016 by AAPT
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