Schedule: Teaching Hub Central-2022


AAPT-APA Teaching Hub @ 2022 Central APATeaching Hub Logo
February 24-25, 2022

Palmer House Hilton
17 East Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60603
United States

The 2022 Central Division meeting will feature the popular Teaching Hub, a series of workshops and sessions that address the teaching of philosophy at all levels. The Teaching Hub, sponsored by the American Association of Philosophy Teachers and the American Philosophical Association.

The Teaching Hub will run Thursday, February 24 and Friday, February 25, 2022.

Central Division meeting registrants are invited to attend any or all of the sessions.

Click here for the Teaching Hub schedule.


The 2022 Central Meeting Teaching Hub will include the following sessions:

  • Beyond Papers and Exams: Broadening Assessment Ideas in Philosophy
  • Listening to Our Undergrads: Incorporating Women’s Experiences into Philosophy Courses
  • Teaching Core Ideas: Using Non-Canonical Texts
  • How to Teach Students to Reason Using Argument Mapping
  • Engaging in Pre-College Philosophy Through Writing
  • Philosophy as a Way of Life: Brining the PhilLife Experience to your Classroom
  • Teaching about Slavery in Philosophy Courses
  • Panel: Anti-racist Pedagogy as Harm Reduction
  • Undergraduate Research and Faculty SoTL session

Click here for the Teaching Hub schedule.

For session details, see theĀ Central Division meeting Teaching Hub page.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

13. February 2022 by AAPT
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