CFA: Teaching Hub Posters @2019 APA Pacific

Call for Abstracts

The AAPT/APA Teaching Hub
Poster Session: SoTL Research by Philosophy Teachers and
Independent Research by Undergraduates in Philosophy

Pacific Division APA meeting
April 17-20, 2019
Vancouver, BC, Canada

[Download a printer-friendly version of the call.]

Please consider submitting an abstract for the following AAPT session, planned for The Teaching Hub at the Pacific Division Meeting of the APA in Vancouver, BC, from April 17-20, 2019:

“Poster Session: SoTL Research by Philosophy Teachers and
Independent Research by Undergraduates in Philosophy”

The Teaching Hub is a collaborative meeting space, co-sponsored by the APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy (CTP) and the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), that hosts a series of informative programs about the teaching of philosophy at divisional meetings of the APA

We invite proposals for two different kinds of posters that will be featured at the session:

  1. posters by faculty or graduate students describing a pedagogical innovation or original SoTL project.
  2. posters by undergraduate students featuring the topic of an honors thesis, summer research project, or other independent research project. We particularly encourage undergraduates to submit who live or study near Denver.

Submission: Please email abstracts of no longer than 300 words as PDF attachments to Kaitlin Louise Pettit ( no later than September 15, 2018, with the subject line “2019 Pacific TH poster session submission.” Format your abstract for anonymous review.

Deadline for abstracts: Saturday, September 15, 2018.

Questions about this session should be directed to Kaitlin Louise Petit at the email address above.


The AAPT/APA Teaching Hub is a set of sessions about teaching philosophy held at various divisional meetings of the APA, emphasizing inclusive and collegial interactions.  The Teaching Hub coordinates conversations about the teaching of philosophy at all levels, pre-college through graduate school.

For more information about the Teaching Hub at the 2019 Pacific Division Meeting, contact Ian Smith (

For more information about the Teaching Hubs, visit the Teaching Hub webpage:



08. August 2018 by AAPT
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